Movies directed by la-marzulli

Watchers 3: Fingerprints of the Supernatural

On the Trail of the Nephilim: Episode 3 - Secrets of the Supernatural

UFO Disclosure Part 9: What is the Truth? - Episode One

UFO Disclosure Part 6: Cattle Mutilations - A Shocking Phenomenon with Surgical Precision

Watchers 5: Let Me In

On the Trail of the Nephilim: Episode 7 - Lost Civilizations

On the Trail of the Nephilim: Episode 8 - Out of Place Artifacts

UFO Disclosure Part 2: The Expert Witnesses Weigh In

On the Trail of the Nephilim: Episode 2 - Mathematical Mysteries of the Moundbuilders

UFO Disclosure Part 1: The Coming Great Deception and the Luciferian Endgame